Sunday, 25 August 2013

Uncharted 4: is it coming?

Will we get to see Drake's next adventure?

Uncharted is one of Playstation's most beloved franchises. Naughty Dog's third person action-adventure  games starring treasure hunter Nathan Drake have been met with huge success. So is there any possibility of us seeing a fourth instalment in the series?, I really hope so.

I highly recommend this video by Robin Gaming on the subject, which gives 10 reasons why Uncharted 4 is coming. (the link will take you to the video on youtube) He's got some great Uncharted related videos and videos on the gaming industry as a whole, so feel free to check him out:

*In this I post will refer to a lot of the points made in the video. 

Personally I really hope Robin is right. Having only bought my PS3 last year and really gotten into the series I am yet to experience the thrill of anticipating a new Uncharted game.

Naughty Dog's new game: The possibilities:

Now the The Last of Us has been released it is currently unknown what game Naughty Dog is currently developing. At Gamescom recently Sony did reveal that Naughty dog are making a PS4 title, so what game could it be?

*Just to clarify, Naughty Dog currently have two different teams (as mentioned in the video), one which has been working on The Last of Us and the other which made Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It's the latter team that we are focusing on; as since U3's release was back in 2011 this team have had nearly two years to work on a new game.    

The Last of Us sequel: 

This one is very unlikely, but I thought I'd put it in here anyway. Naughty dog only just released the Last of Us in June, so the idea of announcing a follow up to the post-apocalyptic survival game so soon is pretty ridiculous. We may see 'TLoU2' in the future, but It's not the game the second team are making at the moment.   

New Jak and Daxter/ Crash Bandicoot:

Recently ND have said that they have put any plans to make Jak 4 on hold. And as much as I love Crash Bandicoot, Naughty Dog no longer own the rights. Plus the fact that they are using the same engine for the PS4 and their recent job vacancies mention making third-person action games and million-polygon character models makes me think their new game isn't a cartoony platformer, though it could still happen, right? 

A New IP:

This is a much more realistic possibility; though If it is a new IP it is likely to be similar to Uncharted and The Last of Us (A third person action game) because of ND using the same engine and their current job descriptions. An IGN article also talks about  a still from TLoU development diary; in which there are two pirate-like character models in the background of the shot, could this be from their new game? It's clearly not from The Last of Us. Though as Robin says it is possible it could be from Uncharted 4; possibly as a flashback to Sir Francis Drake's past?

And of course, Uncharted 4:

To me this seems like the game Naughty Dog's second team are most likely to be working on. Robin's 10 reasons aptly explain why this is such a strong possibility; for example the fact that the developer has said that 'Nate still has plenty more to give' that they will continue to create new Uncharted games 'as long as the fans want it' and also the Play Station 4's need for a real system seller. 

Of course, we could be wrong, there is no sure way of knowing exactly what Naughty Dog are really developing until they announce it; and this may be at the SPIKE Video Game Awards or even at next Year's E3. Whatever they are making though, we can be sure that they will bring us a brilliant game, but let's keep our fingers crossed, as we could still see Nathan Drake come to PS4.

So what game would you like to see from Naughty Dog on the Playstation 4? Let me know in the comments! 

*Just to clarify, I am not an expert on game development or the gaming industry. I get my information from multiple reliable sources, but I may sometimes get things wrong or be inaccurate. If you do spot something such as a piece of information that is inaccurate please let me know and I'll correct myself.  

*Video in this post has been used with permission from its owner.

*All images/screenshots are under the copyright of their respective owner. I do not intend to distribute my blog for profit and will gladly remove any images if asked to.

I Hope You've enjoyed this post, I'm new to blogging and feedback is always appreciated :-)

Undiscovered Adventure

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